Betekenis van:
channel capacity
channel capacity
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- the maximum data rate that can be attained over a given channel
- The quantities exported through this channel have amounted to, during the IP, around 17 % of the Russian producer's total capacity.
- Lastly, in the French authorities’ opinion, the increase in cross-Channel capacity was not attributable to companies which had benefited under the tax EIG scheme.
- Further, as the original idea was to channel also CANTAT-3 capacity via the E-Farice hf., there were concerns that the competition in connectivity to Iceland would be eliminated, as only one supplier would remain in the market.
- However, the Commission notes already at this stage that it must be borne in mind here that a multiplex has four times the transmission capacity of an analogue channel, i.e. four programme channels instead of only one.
- The compensation should take into account the actual costs of the switch-over to broadcasters including costs to adapt equipment to digital transmission and to broadcast in another channel/multiplex where applicable and including spectrum costs. When calculating spectrum costs the granting of digital transmission capacity should be taken into account.
- The total transmission capacity for broadcasting consisted in seven multiplexes. It was finally allocated as follows: three entire multiplexes (K 07, K 27 and K 33) and one programme channel on a fourth multiplex (K 05) to the PSBs (ARD and ZDF).
- Even in a situation with only three GDS providers, none of them will be able to increase prices because TSPs will maintain a strong enough bargaining power, based on (i) the capacity to channel bookings towards the ‘’ websites, (ii) the surcharges imposed on TAs, (iii) the brand recognition in the home market(s) and (iv) the possibility to develop new bargaining tools in the future.
- financial support as fair compensation to broadcasters which are required to give up the use of analogue spectrum before the expiration of the licences. The compensation should take into account the actual costs of the switch-over to broadcasters including costs to adapt equipment to digital transmission and to broadcast in another channel/multiplex where applicable and including spectrum costs. When calculating spectrum costs the granting of digital transmission capacity should be taken into account. Member States will need to provide the evidence that this has been the case.